Friday, January 4, 2008

"Breakdown Britney" Needs To Go Away Too!!

This girl needs to go away for good too! Why in the hell does "Breakdown Britney" Spears dominate the TV and radio airwaves? This is worse that all of that Paris Hilton crap that we had to suffer through! Why is she relevant anymore? Lay off of the booze, drugs and cigs and go back to rehab then hire a personal trainer and dietician. Get rid of the "possee", leeches, hanger-ons and bad influences and surround yourself with positive, charismatic people that can help you focus and set goals, be positive and hopefully help you be a better mom. The girl is wierd as a cat fart and is on the fast track to becoming the next Anna Nicole Smith! Maybe the public has a morbid fascination with rich and famous "superstars" falling from grace and totally ruining their lives. I'm glad that her dad finally stepped in a will hopefully straighten things out. The really sad thing is the fact that there are 2 children involved. Hopefully they are young enough that her actions won't affect their lives too much. The bottom line for me is for CNN, Headline News, Fox News, etc. to please stop running stories on her every day, 50 times a day!

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